CDIO Syllabus

The CDIO Syllabus is the cornerstone of CDIO. It offers rational, complete, universal and generalizable goals for undergraduate engineering education.

Whether in its complete version or a condensed version, the CDIO Syllabus focuses on personal, interpersonal and system building skills, and leaves a placeholder for the disciplinary fundamentals appropriate for any specific field of engineering. It complements and significantly expands on ABET’s criteria.

With rationale, detail and broad applicability, the CDIO Syllabus’ principal value is that it can be generalized to serve as a model from which any university’s engineering programs may derive specific learning outcomes.

Experienced CDIO collaborators often refer back to (and encourage new collaborators to familiarize themselves with) the CDIO Syllabus Report: The definitive report on the creation of the Syllabus and useful ancillary information (e.g., taxonomy, sample stakeholder survey).

The CDIO Syllabus 2.0
An Updated Statement of Goals for Engineering Education

In 2011 a revised and updated CDIO Syllabus was presented, the CDIO Syllabus 2.0. The updates and revisions were based on comparisons with the UNESCO Four Pillars of Learning, with which it is aligned at a high level, national accreditation and evaluation standards of several nations and input received over the last decade since the Syllabus was originally written in 2001. The main work done was in part to add missing skills and in part to clarify nomenclature and make the Syllabus more explicit and more consistent with national standards. The result is called the CDIO Syllabus version 2.0. (Follow the link to read the study.)

As a reference, the CDIO Syllabus 1.0 can be found in the menu to the right.

CDIO Syllabus 2.0 in foreign languages

The Syllabus has been translated into the following languages:

  • Chinese
  • French
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Vietnamese


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