Already a member of CDIO?
If you haven't already, be sure to:
- Create a personal profile
- Upload documents to the Knowledge Library
- Add projects relevant to your school or instituion
- Upload a photo for use on the CDIO site
Questions about getting started?
The CDIO Initiative is an innovative educational framework for producing the next generation of engineers. It provides students with an education stressing engineering fundamentals set in the context of Conceiving — Designing — Implementing — Operating real-world systems and products.
A worldwide network of academic professionals, industry representatives, and engineering leaders who have a passion for engineering education and engineering leadership, the CDIO Initiative is organized into seven regions around the world; within those regions are campus-based chapters.
Please note, CDIO is not open to individuals, but instead to individuals employed by or affiliated with Member Institutions.
CDIO's strength and promise is in our shared passion and in you, our collaborators.
You can get involved in CDIO in many ways, the most beneficial of which is to encourage your institution to apply to join the worldwide CDIO collaborative.
- Join CDIO
- Tell your colleagues about the Worldwide CDIO Initiative
- Attend an upcoming meeting to discover more about CDIO