CDIO@ISEP: “A Stairway To Heaven”(A Cdio Contribution To Eur-Ace Certification)

CDIO@ISEP: “A Stairway To Heaven”(A Cdio Contribution To Eur-Ace Certification)

This paper describes how the adoption and progressive application of the CDIO Initiative™ at the Informatics Engineering bachelor and master programs of ISEP contributed to achieve very good results since 2008. Some of these results are explained in more detail. Current and future initiatives related to Portuguese, European and worldwide program accreditation and certification are described in a second part of the paper. In the conclusions are confirmed the expected benefits of CDIO application in the operation of modern informatics engineering programs, but also the great added value of CDIO for increasing the chances of successful program accreditations and certifications – a stairway to heaven…

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