Flipping a Chemical Engineering Module Using an Evidence-based Teaching Approach

Flipping a Chemical Engineering Module Using an Evidence-based Teaching Approach

Sin Moh Cheah

This paper shares the approach taken for the Diploma in Chemical Engineering (DCHE) to redesign a Year 3 core module entitled Plant Safety and Loss Prevention, using an evidence-based teaching approach delivered via a flipped classroom blended learning format. While the research will need further iterations and substantive evaluation, the authors are confident that the overall approach, in which the affordances of technology are utilized through the creative applications of sound pedagogic practices and process (e.g., methods that work best and validated cognitive science principles of learning) is the most fruitful path towards highly effective and creative professional practices.

In the first part of the paper, we outline the pedagogic basis and rationale for using an evidence-based teaching approach, as well as the current framing of a flip classroom blended format. We started with a theoretical perspective that effective and efficient blended learning design should follow certain broad heuristics, for example: (1) Good learning design is always grounded on evidence-based practice, incorporating Core Principles of Learning, (2) Information-communication technologies are used strategically and creatively to enhance specific aspects of the learning process; and (3) The completed blended learning design maximizes the affordances of a range of learning modes and mediums. This pedagogic design model guided the development of the flip classroom lessons, integrating the online components to the face-to-face sessions, seeking to maximize the affordances of both delivery modes to optimize student learning (e.g., attainment level and intrinsic interest).

Secondly, we outline our model for teaching this module, which derived from our earlier large scale implementation of the Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate (CDIO) educational framework. The model was developed by drawing a parallel between the different stages of the lifecycle of a typical chemical process plant with the CDIO process of conceiving, designing, implementing and operating a product of system. We teach this module through presenting a range of chemical process hazards at different stages of a plant lifecycle. Students are to apply their knowledge and thinking skills to identify and diagnose the causes of such hazards and potential risks posed, and subsequently to select appropriate strategies and tools to eliminate or mitigate the impact of these hazards. Hence, through this process, students learn how to conceive and design effective preventative strategies to enhance chemical plant safety.

In the final part of the paper, we present our evaluation data to date, from a survey conducted to evaluate students' learning experience in flipped classroom, including their understanding of pre-recorded lectures, use of case studies, engagement in classroom activities, use of graphic organizer, weeks needed to get used to flipped classroom, and of course, overall perception of flipped classroom. We also share the key pedagogic learning points, challenges faced, and potential ways to further both research and practice in this exciting new educational arena.

Proceedings of the 12th International CDIO Conference, Turku, Finland, June 12-16 2016

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