A Proposal of the C-D-I-E Model to Improve Students' Capability

A Proposal of the C-D-I-E Model to Improve Students' Capability

Binh D. Ha, Dong T. Tran and Bao N. Le

The Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) majors have special characteristics those are developing fast and need a high innovation level. While nowadays university education in Vietnam is gradually shifting from elite education to universal education. This trend introduces a problem that a lot of student has very weak innovation ability, whereas students do not realize the importance of creative. This is a huge difficult job for us to make Duy Tan an innovation university. However, during implementing the CDIO program in our university, we have accumulated some experience and obtained some positive results that will be presented in this paper. The first contribution of this paper is the clear clarification of the difference between scientific research and CDIO works. Due to the same procedure, many people confuse of the definition of them. How to clarify the definition of scientific research and CDIO works is a very important. The next contribution is a proposal of teaching and learning framework for scientific research, namely CDIE (Conceive – Design – Implement – Evaluate), that exists parallelly with CDIO model. The combination of scientific research and CDIO teaching method enables us to improve the innovation ability of EEE’s students in our university. In this proposed model, we emphasis the last phase (Evaluate) for the projects which have new academic results. This work lets students know how to evaluate the new results of their projects. The last contribution of this paper is the evaluation of this framework based on the projects that approved by university leader board. We statistically investigated after five years of this framework implementation in our faculty from 2011-2012 to 2015-2016 and the results confirmed the effectiveness of this proposed model. To clarify the efficiency of this framework, we present a real case. In that case, we describe the detail process of mutual impact between two activities scientific research and CDIE. We will discuss more detail about our works to solve these problems in full paper.

Proceedings of the 13th International CDIO Conference in Calgary, Canada, June 18-22 2017

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