
The CDIO iKit features comprehensive guidance on how to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of your new CDIO program. Specifically, the iKit addresses two main goals:

  • Assessing student learning in personal, interpersonal, and product and system-building skills, as well as in disciplinary knowledge
  • Evaluating programs against the 12 CDIO Standards, and providing feedback to students, faculty, and other stakeholders for the purposes of continuous improvement

These goals are consistent with the vision for Assessment and Evaluation within the CDIO Initiative:

The Assessment Theme of the CDIO Initiative aims to provide a system of methods, tools, and resources that determines the quality of teaching, learning, and program effectiveness including processes for continuous improvement realized by identifying instructional needs, designing instruction and learning activities, and assessing student outcomes; and achieved by creating, adopting, and modifying best practices in assessment to each institution's mission and goals.

In addition to the sample assessment and evaluation tools, CDIO collaborators recommend these resources for instructors and program leaders who wish to address the key challenges to learning assessment and program evaluation.

For specific inquiries regarding how to assess and evaluate your CDIO program(s), please complete and submit this form.

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