Active, collaborative and interactive learning of industrial robotics

Active, collaborative and interactive learning of industrial robotics

Claudio Urrea and Manuel Vega

The current process of active, collaborative and interactive learning tool for industrial robotics is described. Through the development of didactic material that is extremely intuitive and simple to use thanks to its strong multimedia component, it provides excellent learning tools for the students of different careers, specialties, majors and levels at Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH). That is why those students are able to know the basics of industrial robotics in general, various methodologies for making their representations and mathematical modeling, their main control systems, in addition to various topics related to the discipline's applicability and future perspectives. That is why, among other resources, the new didactic material includes:

• Computational simulations whose general purpose is to be used for the analysis, validation and practical implementation of control schemes in industrial robots.

• 3D computational animations.

• Various original experimental videos that include qualitative and practical aspects of control algorithms for industrial robots.

Teaching and learning robotics in the classroom, as proposed in this paper, is a pertinent and contemporary resource with didactic rather than technological purposes that allows traveling on the road of pedagogical renewal which, like any change, requires effort and dedication, and its ultimate purpose is to improve the quality of education in our local and nationwide setting. Its purpose will be to provide knowledge and develop the skills required for good performance in the study of this discipline, facilitating the understanding of reading and the apprehension of knowledge, with significant incidence on success in the professional, academic and labor fields and in the personal development of the students, since our personal experience with students in the robotics area, at USACH as well as in foreign universities, has led us to verify that those students can perform very early as young scientists and engineers if they are given the proper tools and they are allowed to apply basic principles of scientific research such as observing, testing, comparing and contrasting phenomena related to robotics, predicting their operation, and recording their individual and collaborative experience. That is why this paper offers an improvement in the institutional ability to generate effective learning by undergraduate and graduate students in the field of industrial robotics, considering its transverse and multidisciplinary character.

Proceedings of the 11th International CDIO Conference, Chengdu, China, June 8-11 2015

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