Previous winners of the CDIO Academy

2014 - 10th International CDIO Conference at Barcelona, Spain

Winner of the CDIO 2014 ACADEMY CUP

CDIO 2014 Academy award Advanced Project Category.
1st award - Driving simulator for a sustainable future, Chalmers University of Technology
2nd award - Urinary Incontinence Test Bed, University of Liverpool

CDIO 2014 Academy award - Basic project category.
1st award - Environmental Awareness for high risk Professionals, Aston University
2nd award - Monitoring hydration levels and general health deterioration in the elderly, Aston University


2013 - 9th international CDIO conference at Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Winner of the CDIO 2013 ACADEMY CUP

1st award: Low-Cost DIY Water-Filtering System for Farmers, Duy Tan University

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